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Booking Services

Find and book our custom services here!

A deep and wonderful journey of Collective Growth, and beautiful, blossoming expansion of your-own Personal Magick, which includes:

  • 6 Months of Magickal Mastermind meetings.

  • 6 Months Unlimited Access to The Nomad Lynx Academy's LIVE events and archive.

  • 6 Private Mentorship Calls (or more, depending on length!).



  • Personalized Follow up (through text and email).

  • A beautiful, inspiring, supportive, deeply spiritual, cosmic community to network, brainstorm, and collaborate with!

  • Direct access to a wide personal network of healers, artists, coaches and mentors, with different specialties, and who are ready to help you in very specific areas of your healing or conscious creations!


The best part is: this is NOT a High Ticket Program!!!


The official price for this program is $599USD, but I am offering the very first round for only $299USD as a special Introduction price, pay in full before ONLY December 31st, 2024. Book a call now to learn more!


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1-1 Personal Breakthrough/Clarity
Coaching Call

This service actually includes up to THREE 1-1 Coaching Calls (depending on length of sessions), plus personalized follow up & support for 45 days!


The 1-1 Personalized Breakthrough program is a fully tailored experience, based on client's goals or intentions, and may also include FREE access to other Deep Soul Awareness group workshops or VIP circles, depending on client's needs and aspirations.


My main goal as your "Deep Soul Awareness" & Conscious Creation Coach and Mentor, is to help you reconnect with your-own cosmic mind (your Higher Self, your Quantum Double, etc), and your-own-flow!... Even if you have been on a spiritual path for a long time but still feel somehow stuck, overwhelmed, or isolated (for whatever reasons).


We will be looking to unveil, understand, and realign your reality, your everyday actions and your business decisions, together with your own spirit magick and your own inner guidance!


And we will be doing this in a way that feels natural to you! NOT anybody else's formulas, NOT anybody else's concept of flow, but YOUR OWN. I am here to to help your-own soul's light shine and expand, and help your greatest projects flourish, as we rise together and nourish collective growth and a higher planetary consciousness.


Once you book your session, we will schedule and intro call to work out your personalized program together, and schedule all the follow up calls, and any other workshops you may join as part of your personalized plan!

Planetary Projects Laboratories is where Deep Soul Awareness meets Conscious Creation, and we work together towards actually designing, or upgrading our greatest projects, which could be anything from a live or online program, to a physical location based project, like a Conscious Business or some kind of crafting services, or a live organization system (like a bigger company, an eco-village, an orchard or regenerative farm, an academy, etc).


The Planetary Projects Labs is an online space designed to help you define and integrate your-own, and your greater collective goals as a spiritual entrepeneur, so as to really design and create the program or project of your dreams, to help your vision and mission flourish for the greatest good of all, and the greater reality we are co-creating.


It includes new Soul-led Business models and what some people call "5D Marketing" principles, as well as conscious course creation strategies, aimed to create coherent projects that prioritize student success, and offers that have an amazing positive impact for the planet, as well as in our personal life & conscious business, at the same time that they allow our spirit to flow freely.

Please note, this is N🚫T a profit oriented get-rich-quick-with-your-spiritual-business kind of program, there are many of those out there, and I am not in any way competing with them, but instead this IS about fulfilling your soul's ultimate desires, and shedding the layers of what you think you want, or what you feel is expected from you, to step into your own next-level of reality and manifestation.


No "soul-washing" whatsoever!

Book a FREE CALL here to learn more about how this interactive program works, and about our special introduction prices starting at only $99 for small groups, and up to $499.- for our Premium 1-1 tiers.


Planetary Projects Labs

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Image by Aldebaran S

Deep Soul Awareness
Monthly Workshops Membership

DEEP SOUL AWARENESS©️ refers to the natural capacity that we all have for unveiling the layers our personality, down to our deep soul, and the primal, cosmic energies of our own spirit. We do this by embracing greater consciousness within our present embodiment, and tuning to our infinite mind, to find and maintain a finer balance with our own nature. 

Back to your-Self, back to Community, back to Nature.

Throughout a Deep Soul Awareness session (or programs), the main focus is to create safe, protected space, for soul-to-soul communication, and for advanced deep self-healing & energy work -through light activations and advanced guided-meditation protocols.


During which my focused intention is to help you understand exactly where you're at within your own map -and where we're at as a collective, in order to activate the knowledge and energies you/we I-us-Gaia need to update or upgrade in our consciousness, for the next steps or the next level of our journey into a greater reality, whatever that means for you, here and now. 

The full scope of the DEEP SOUL AWARENESS signature program, as multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach includes four different workshops, based on the work of 4 Pillars Principle, so they also correspond with the four elements, the four sacred values, the four cycles of the moon, etc. So this includes the following 4 circles/workshops offered monthly:


1. Deep Soul Awareness Circles 

Where the focus is reconnecting with our own personal magick, and practice/share advanced meditation tools and energy protocols within a safe and protected space.

2. Cosmic Consciousness - Round Table Sessions

A sacred space outside of time, to explore our cosmic mind, the fabric of our reality, our own perception of the infinite, and the expansion of our Collective and Planetary Consciousness.

3. Dance for the Spirit Art-Movement-Therapy

 Deep reconnection through movement meditation to release blocks and stagnant energies, and tune back into our flow, through the magick of our own movement.

4. Collective Dreaming Circles

Where we explore dreamwork, dreamland, lucid dreaming, Social Dreaming, Dream Tending, Interdimensional Weaving, and more!

These workshops (and more!) are offered LIVE in small private groups. Monthly memberships provide access to these gatherings, as well as free access to our resource library, and personalized support and follow-up. I pride on offering the most inclusive soul-work experience!


Our Workshops Membership is only $9.99 Monthly and gives you free access to any and all of our LIVE workshops on a monthly basis, and our $111 Personalized Coaching Programs include up to THREE Personalized Coaching/Healing Sessions, plus one-full-year FREE Workshops Membership.


Sign up now! Or book a call to learn more!

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Book a call to learn more about The Nomad Lynx Academy
Meet & Greet with Flor Pastor, aka The Nomad Lynx

©2021 by Nomad Lynx Academy

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