Stop looking for answers outside of yourself. Inside ourselves there is the same multiverse as outside, and any truth you could be looking for out there will never be more real and powerful than the raw truth of your soul.
Easier said than done, I know.
When your hear and read all over about being yourself, doing what you love, working on things that have meaning to you, and the newer faster quantum techniques to manifest clarity and abundance in your life, it may sound mostly like empty new age wording or greedy marketing tricks. I know because I see it and feel it every day. People trying to sell you their idea for their next big business. Selling the concepts of "helping others" and "being who you're meant to be".
The most powerful forces in our existence have been diminished by the overuse and misuse of the words that refer to them. By losing the grasp of the real meaning and intention behind certain words like truth, love, healing, magic, spirit, manifest, yourself, we start losing the grip of life and we drift on a sea of confusion that is up to no good. So, we must take the concepts back to actions and establish common values in our everyday decisions.
Stop looking or waiting for something to enlighten you. Being in consciousness is, precisely, a conscious act, it's about all of us and all that vibrates in existence, here and now, everyday, all the time, because here and now is all there really is, and it is all a mystery that is constantly changing and evolving and that we can all choose to weave together in harmony.
This is me coming out of the closet (or my own isolation) and surrendering to my mission, spreading the urgent call of coming together as one planetary consciousness and taking action on greater common goals as co-creators in this beautiful planet. If this still sounds to you like a science fiction dream or some new age yibberish, let me just tell you, you couldn't be more wrong! Like I was saying before, the overuse or misuse of certain words may alter its perception of the words or the concept but the true meaning behind them remains. So this is me calling you to free your art, your expression, your intuition, your flow, your mind, your heart, your life, your most sublime energies, and start sharing your work, your insights, your knowledge, your very unique wisdom or talents, because this is vitally important!
I am creating all this content to help you reconnect deeply with yourself and tune into harmony with Nature, so we can all come together in greater numbers to work on things that matter to all of us as a planetary consciousness.
I feel like I've waited too long already to come out and spread the message! We have to turn back to ourselves to re-emerge as who we really are and start living the life and making the impact that we want. This is achieved by us taking our own decisions, “owning” ourselves. Let’s give a kicking closure to this 2023! Our planet is calling!
There is too much pain and depression around and I want you to understand right now that this is NOT normal, it's NOT clinical, it's NOT just a symptom or a modern condition, it's a clear signal that somethings needs to change. Whether you're broke or successful, lonely or with a big family, introvert, extrovert, mourning, going through a break-up, even living hell on earth, there are many feelings and emotions you may experience, but depression, as you know it, it's simply not normal, not your everyday "chemical imbalance", and this is why I am here in the first place creating all this projects and websites and blogs and programs, all to help you retreat, reconnect and heal your-self and the planet by extension of yourself.
Nobody will know better than yourself what you need to get through or heal or revive your inner flame. You can follow me, and like my ways, or not, I just want you to be clear if you're reading this and need some change in your life, that anything is possible and it all depends on you. The information is overflowing everywhere, the opportunities are everywhere, you just have to start by knowing who you are, what you want and how you want to interact with that expansion of yourself that is life.