Alright, let's talk about some of those massive elephants in the room and ruffle up some fancy feathers, will we?
Let's address these 6 big problems that the industry has been facing for at least a couple decades, and that are not being openly discussed quite as much as needed to switch things up a bit.
1. The standardization of "high-ticket” prices and high-ticket culture (where quality coaching = high ticket offers), and the widespread deceit of easy-money promises and a fancy happy lifestyle.
2. The overflow of certified coaches, new experts, programs, and services that prioritize maximum ROI over INTEGRITY and QUALITY of results.
3. The stretch of the economical gap, with new business owners unconsciously opting to serve only those who can afford high tickets.
4. The emphasis on selling an "exact formula", "signature method" or "perfect system" to fit all clients.
5. The surge of new cult-like businesses that blindly spread poor or non-integrated values, using mischievous concepts like "tribe building", "manifesting", "money mindset", etc....
6. The tendency to automate and package services/products in a way that involves all the more profit and the less accountability for the seller.
Whewww... Cat's out of the bag! What a ride I am about to take you in today! Are you ready?
Let's go! Let's decolonize the foundations and practices of your awesome Soul-Business!
This is a full workshop in the form of a blog post, so pay close attention and take notes...
We mentioned 6 massive elephant-sized problems. Let's talk about what to do instead:
The standardization of "high-ticket” prices and high-ticket culture. I personally do not trust coaches that are clearly inflating their prices, and I don't look up to High-Ticket Offers as the golden egg (it might work for you if you offer a highly specialized service and have a solid niche and audience, but it's not the answer for everything). Price your offer FAIRLY, while OBSERVING and considering the High-Grade Quality of your work, and the wonderful TRANSFORMATIONS you bring to your clients (which surely means you should be well paid!). The opposite of a High-Ticket offer is not necessarily a low-cost ticket, simply a fair priced offer. No fluffy fluff, no chasing the 8-9-10 figure dream. (Unless, of course, that is your call!).
The overflow of certified coaches, and new experts, programs, and services that prioritize maximum PROFIT and ROI (return of investment) over INTEGRITY and QUALITY of results. Seen too many coaches in your feed? Are you maybe tired of their ads? I can almost assure that you have clearly seen how these ads and coaches are just trying to target you and sell you on their programs. Yes, they call it "niching". And then, once they come in contact with you, they will make sure you let them know how much money you're already making to see if you are a "hot" lead, they call that "qualifying"... By all means, DO find or create your dream business, DO create premium courses and awesome programs, DO educate your audience properly and help people rise in whatever your field is, let's all make more money and live a better life in harmony, just don't go and become a coach thinking that you get to easily charge thousands of dollars by combining whatever it is that you got certified for with a slayer social media ad strategy, targeting people by their income. It does NOT work like that. Don't waste your time, money and resources on trying to conquer like this. Don't expose yourself to burnout. Don't settle with popular trends. And please believe me and take note on this: in today's market, over-saturated with fluff and sales psychology, your STRENGTH and your SUPERPOWER will be staying raw and authentic in your offers and marketing. Don't try to fit into a mold, even if it’s the latest quantum blueprint to “being your-Self!”. Create Your-Own business and your-own marketing rules based on your experience and observations of what actually works for you and for your very unique Soul-Business! And even as you manage to upgrade your business, keep it humble, and allow yourself the calmness and clarity to over-deliver in your service and thrive! Treat this as your sacred mission, because This IS Your Sacred Mission!
The stretch of the economical gap, with new business owners unconsciously opting to serve only those who can afford high tickets. Don't buy into the idea that only HIGH TICKET paying clients are worth your time, consciously opting to serve ONLY those who can "afford" you. If you must charge a really high price due to your specialty, consider offering limited discounts or scholarships as a give-back to your community on a regular basis, for those who may be ready to work with you but are having financial difficulties (the struggle is real, and you can't just ignore or demean a good prospect just because they don't have the money to pay for your full price). Don't promote elitism (elitism~the advocacy of an elite or a select group -usually quite small, of people perceived as having some intrinsic and desirable superior quality, seen as the unquestionable dominating group in a system or society)... Just. Don't.
The emphasis on selling an "exact formula", "signature method" or "perfect system" to fit all clients. Ever seen a coach trying to sell you their "exact formula", or their "signature method" or " the perfect system", meant to fit all clients, and get you the desired results in the fastest way possible (like thousands of dollars of revenue in a couple days or weeks?) Of course you have... Yeah, don't do that. It's better to offer (or find) PERSONALIZED attention or custom-tailored, specially catered programs, that focus on each particular client's own potentials and context, and not insist on fitting people into prefabricated molds and business models that may or may not feel aligned or actually help them grow and thrive.
The surge of new cult-like businesses that blindly spread poor or non-integrated values, using mischievous concepts like "tribe building", "manifesting", "money mindset", etc.... There is a cult-like exploitation of human psychology for sales, everywhere around! Taking advantage of the emotional context behind our financial stress and our awakening spirituality, with the promise that anyone can sell anything. And because of this, there is a big wave of new businesses that blindly spread poor or non-integrated values, growing their and their clients' businesses using sales psychology and mischievous concepts in order to leverage sales and make a big profit, not due to the quality of their work, but to the effectiveness of their ultra-target marketing systems and campaigns, building empires on poor foundations and a lack of greater purpose. Trust me, you don't want to be one of those. Those businesses eventually crash. Pretty hard too. Don't be easily impressed by money figures. You can see them collapsing all over.
The tendency to automate and package services/products in a way that involves all the more profit and all the less accountability for the seller. Fight this tendency by offering upgraded packages offering extraordinary 1-1 VIP support, nurturing group meetings, and strong support systems, on top of your automated settings. For lower investment points, try including special LIVE Q&A's or set up your own business hours TEXT-SUPPORT systems! These things won't take much time and can help you guide your followers through your Soul-Business journey, where you can also use these communication channels to refer them to other resources, programs, or upgrades. Always stay on top of your Programs and ready to review and upgrade them, even if you manage to automate and delegate most of the work in your business.
Now, here's a secret sauce that can use for your business, and that will potentially save you thousands of dollars and a shit-ton of frustration and hair pulling...
Find YOUR JOY in CREATING a beautiful, magickal, generous, and reality-shifting SERVICE/OFFER -or anything, really- FROM THE HEART!... and then surrender to the art and process of learning how to SHARE it!
Overflow your creativity with loving imagination, expand your consciousness with it, express it all in your very-own particular way, try and test as many different possibilities of wording and framing your message until you find your own balance and flow, and establish your own natural contact system with the people who are following you and reacting to your magick.
No one can do this FOR YOU. Your best bet is to find some soul-aligned guidance and devote your-Self to the work that your business need to grow, weather that may be creating a new program, implementing new strategies, or delegating tasks.
There are MANY ways to grow a successful business and make money!This is a fact. But there are no"Keys to Mastering 5D Marketing", or no"EXACT BLUEPRINT TO YOUR QUANTUM SUCCESS" or whatever they may be trying to sell you to grow your business...
YOU are the key. You are the map and you are the compass!
NOT even a big investment (because you know what they say... 'you need to invest serious money on your business in order to grow')... or a fancy high ticket program is going to do it for you.
There is not trick, my dear creator, except that YOU are the TRICK!
You are the main ingredient to the secret sauce.
You are the trick and the trickster and the great Magician all in one!
Have fun with it, be creative, enjoy it.
And seek to serve in the most effective and useful possible way. This is the way.
Be radically YOU
Follow your heart's calls
Live and work under the influence of Only-Love
Own Your-Own Magick